Wish To Be There

As I composed an email to a friend this morning, I was struck by how much of the really important was left out of the narrative of my recent life. Here it is, then, my imaginary friend: not exactly how I spent my summer vacation, but a deeper picture of how my life unfolds these days.

There have been losses and grief – I do not want to minimize these, though they have helped me to understand how to participate more intensely in the meaning of my brief life. There has been work that I am proud of – at the same time as being insignificant in the estimation of the world, no doubt – which makes me think of how much ‘work’ matters to my life. ‘Work’ is not always the same thing as a job, maybe, though I think that work that is satisfying is an integral part of the story of my life. There has been time for play, naturally – wonders of mountain lakes, entrancing trails, rivers rushing, and serene swimming holes, time with friends and family that has been memorable in ways that casual socializing cannot match. The pleasures of my summer do not make for riveting reading, I expect, but my quest for the quiet, unassuming pleasures of the day has taught me much. I think, in fact, that my life seems to be an escalating curve of learning, making my steps a little friskier in spite of the steepness of the road at times. I always want to see what is around the bend!

We humans are puzzling: we long and strive and yearn for the good and the beautiful, while we compel ourselves, some of us, to confine our dreams and ambitions to the conventions of our society, whether we live in city neighbourhood, small town, or country hamlet. As one who is decidedly unconventional, this has chafed and irked me for much of life, this attention to the trivial, the superficial, the unimportant. That sense of being rubbed the wrong way though, becomes less and less important as I simply become more me. The inner me is the real me, and the me I choose to show to the world…convention be damned.

The friend that I wrote my email to this morning gave me this lovely little objet d’art some years ago, and attached a note to the back saying “Wish to be there”. My friend, I think I am there, and that is what I most wished to tell you, and could not find words for…

With all my faults and failings, turmoil and despair, missteps and meanderings, I am in that place of joy. To friends real and imaginary – come with me.

10 comments on “Wish To Be There

  1. Anonymous says:

    Keep pealin’ that onion, please, VivianLea.
    …your imaginary friend, Brent.


  2. Bela Johnson says:

    Good to see you again 😉 Glad you’re on the journey – that’s the most important part. So many just bumble their way through life. Most, I would say. So on we go! 😀 Aloha, VL.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ian Derrick says:

    I have always enjoyed sharing in yer adventures Viv! With each passing year i find myself yearning to be in such places in order to refresh my heart and soul. I seek out the quiet places where Mother Nature whispers to me soothing sounds that caress my inner self, reaffirming that i am one with our land. It’s always good to see where yer adventures take you Viv with wee snapshots of yer day and keep showing me what is around that bend. Keep sharing my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am always touched – and honoured! that you read my words, Ian – thank you. The things you share of your beautiful land have been a balm to my inner green, as has our friendship. I hope that sharing a pint (ahem, several…) is around the bend 🙂


  4. Delane Damerell says:

    Perfectly amazing. Exactly how I feel about life.


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